AMIkids Bennettsville

At AMIkids Bennettsville, we believe in the power of transformation. Every young person has the potential for greatness, and we’re on a mission to unlock it.

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Our Story


Since 1996, AMIkids Bennettsville has been a catalyst for change, inspiring countless young people to discover their life paths and believe success is possible. Nestled amidst the picturesque surroundings of Bennettsville, South Carolina, our dedicated team of mentors and caregivers provide round-the-clock support, and through genuine care, real relationships, and a sense of family, we empower young people to transform their lives.


What We Offer


Residential programs operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week, with youth residing on campus. Staff implement trauma-informed programming to help youth develop skills for successfully transitioning to community settings and/or the home environment.

Juvenile Justice Residential

The Juvenile Justice Residential programs provide 24-hour rehabilitative care for youth referred primarily due to delinquency and may include treatment services for youth with mental health and/or substance abuse conditions.

Child Welfare Group Care

Child Welfare Group Care programs provide a 24-hour group living setting for youth requiring a structured out-of-home care placement.

Our Impact

How We Help

  • 87% of youth successfully complete the program
  • Average length of engagement is about 206 days or nearly 7 months
  • 79% remained crime-free after services


AMIkids Bennettsville is led by their respective Executive Director and a volunteer board of local community leaders, ensuring its positive impact on our communities.

AMIkids Bennettsville Executive Director

  • Joshua Brown

AMIkids Bennettsville Board Of Trustees

  • Dr. Carolyn Prince - Chair
  • Tabitha James - Vice Chair
  • Doris Smith - Treasurer
  • Vanessa Pearson
  • Larry McNeil
  • Marlon Prince
  • Deidre Hepburn
  • Phelicia Hamilton
AMIkids Bennettsville
Bennettsville, SC
Child Welfare Group Care Juvenile Justice Residential Residential

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Support AMIkids Bennettsville

620 Marlboro Rd, Bennettsville, SC 29512
