Thankfully, I was sent to AMIkids, where I learned to value myself and life. After graduating AMIkids, I went on to earn a master’s degree in social work and I am pursuing my doctorate.

AMIkids taught me that there was more to the world than the small town I grew up in and that college was a realistic option for me. Today, I have a successful career in process technology and am a proud husband and father.

AMIkids inspired me to change my life, focus on school, and start behaving like a responsible young person. I eventually graduated college and am a History teacher.

I was unfocused in school and in life. At AMIkids, I was able to improve my grades and get caught up on school and eventually graduated and am now pursuing a business management degree.

AMIkids took in a hurt, lost, and defiant girl and turned me into a successful, confident, phenomenal woman.

As a child, I suffered from verbal and physical abuse, and when they took my stepfather away, I was emotionally broken. At AMIkids, I was taught how to be a man, how to believe in myself, and that my experiences weren’t my fault.