What We Offer
Residential programs operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week, with youth residing on campus. Staff implement trauma-informed programming to help youth develop skills for successfully transitioning to community settings and/or the home environment.
Juvenile Justice Residential
The Juvenile Justice Residential programs provide 24-hour rehabilitative care for youth referred primarily due to delinquency and may include treatment services for youth with mental health and/or substance abuse conditions.
Program Enhancement Services may be provided as standalone or supplementary to a program.
Career and Technical Education
Provided in two age-appropriate models:
- The AMIkids Career Exploration Model, for ages 11-15, helps youth build self-awareness, learn about potential careers, and develop a plan for reaching future goals.
- The AMIkids Workforce Development Model, for ages 16-24, utilizes a combination of school-based and work-based learning to help youth learn job readiness skills, earn industry-recognized certifications, and transition to the workforce.
Wraparound Services
These services offer a comprehensive, family and youth-driven approach to managing service delivery options. Wraparound services emphasize the importance of keeping youth in their homes and communities and involves families working with a team of service providers to meet the child’s specific needs.