AMIkids Infinity Wake County

At AMIkids Infinity Wake County, we believe in the power of transformation. Every young person has the potential for greatness, and we’re on a mission to unlock it.

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Our Story


In the heart of Raleigh, North Carolina, AMIkids Infinity Wake County  has been a beacon of hope since 2011. We are not just an alternative education school; we are a catalyst for change. Our doors are open to students who have struggled within the traditional school system or battled with learning disabilities and emotional hurdles. With unwavering commitment, we utilize the AMIkids Personal Growth Model, a proven approach that ties together education and workforce development, treatment, and behavior and skills training. Through genuine care, real relationships, and a sense of family, we empower young people to achieve success.


What We Offer


Community-based programs offer daily services to youth and families, with youth returning home each day if programming takes place outside of the home. We offer eight unique services with our community-based programs.

Alternative Education

Alternative Education programs are designed to help students who require additional support typically not available in traditional schools. Students in attendance benefit from academic remediation, positive behavioral skills development, and individualized attention to succeed. AMIkids Alternative Education programs include Infinity Schools, School-within-a-School, and Charter Schools, which operate according to the school district schedule.


Program Enhancement Services may be provided as standalone or supplementary to a program.

Career and Technical Education

Provided in two age-appropriate models:

  • The AMIkids Career Exploration Model, for ages 11-15, helps youth build self-awareness, learn about potential careers, and develop a plan for reaching future goals.
  • The AMIkids Workforce Development Model, for ages 16-24, utilizes a combination of school-based and work-based learning to help youth learn job readiness skills, earn industry-recognized certifications, and transition to the workforce.
Our Impact

How We Make A Difference

  • Opportunities for experiential learning beyond the classroom
  • 92% of our students have clear education or career plans their first year after high school

AMIkids Infinity Wake County is led by their respective Executive Director and a volunteer board of local community leaders, ensuring its positive impact on our communities.

AMIkids Infinity Wake County Executive Director

  • Antwaun Arnold

AMIkids Infinity Wake County Board Of Trustees

  • Jason Mahoney - Chair
  • Suzanne Crawford Burton - Treasurer
  • Corey Graves
  • Tequila Michelle Morris Jones
  • Tolulope Omokaiye
  • Wayne Wilhelms
  • Russell McCutcheon
  • Brentley Wright
AMIkids Infinity Wake County
Raleigh, NC
Alternative Education Career and Technical Education

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Support AMIkids Infinity Wake County

3351 Carl Sandburg Ct. Raleigh, NC 27610
